PHASE 1/2014
Phase title:Development of the functional model for sustainable capitalization of the natural populations of Arnica montana L. in northern area of the Romanian Eastern Carpathians - initiating experiments.
Reporting period: 01.07.2014 – 31.12.2014Phase value: 112.000 Lei
Budget 112.000 Lei
Cofinancing: 0 LeiPhase summary:
Results dissemination:
PHASE 2/2015
Phase title: Elaboration of the functional model for sustainable capitalization of the genetic and phytochemical diversity of the natural populations and experimental cultures of Arnica montana L. in northern area of the Romanian Eastern Carpathians
Reporting period: 01.01.2015 – 31.12.2015
Phase value: 475.075 Lei
Budget: 425.905 Lei
Cofinancing: 49.170 LeiPhase summary:
Results dissemination:
Phase 3/2016
Phase title: Experimentation of the functional model for the sustainable capitalization of the biological diversity for Arnica montana L. species in the northern area of the Romanian Eastern Carpathians – identifying and quantifying the specific parameters for selecting the constitutive indicators of the functional model
Reporting period: 01.01.2016 – 31.12.2016
Phase value: 475.490 Lei
Budge: 406.377 Lei
Cofinancing: 69.113 LeiPhase summary:
Results dissemination:
Phase 4/2017
Phase title: Demonstration of the functional model for the sustainable capitalization of the biological diversity for Arnica montana L. species in the northern area of the Romanian Eastern Carpathians –perspective strategies, the integration of the inter-disciplinary studies and the correlation of the final results.
Reporting period: 01.01.2017 – 30.09.2017
Phase value: 374.935 Lei
Budge: 305.718 Lei
Cofinancing: 69.217 LeiPhase summary:
Results dissemination: